Been trying to create a tile set to use in the new scene editor in the Xcode 8 beta. But, I drag a image in there from the asset catalog and I click away and it's as if I never placed a texture in there. I can't figure out how to get the tiles to save the image data.
Dark Souls 2 Save Editor V13
A time is fast approaching when earthly friends cannot aidyou; they cannot save you from the hour of death; they cannotsupport you in your last moments, nor accompany youthrough the dark valley of the shadow, of death. But theFriend now pointed out--the blessed Jesus--he can comfort and support you when all other friends can render you noassistance; he can receive your parting spirit, convey yousafely through the shades of death, and bring you to that everlasting happiness which he shed his blood to procure. Hedied for our sins: believe in him; trust in what he has doneand suffered; supplicate God, in his name, for the pardon ofyour sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit, and you shall be deliveredfrom the "blackness of darkness for ever;" the fire ofhell shall never touch you; but you shall dwell in the abodesof light and glory forever and ever. "God so loved the worldthat he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believethin him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
HYMN.                         One there is, above all others,                         Well deserves the name of Friend:                         His is love beyond a brother's,                         Costly, free, and knows no end!                         They who once his kindness prove,                         Find it everlasting love.                         Which, of all our friends, to save us,                         Could or would have shed his blood?                         But our Jesus died to have us                         Reconcil'd, in him, to God:                         This was boundless love indeed!                         Jesus is a Friend in need.                         When he lived on earth abased,                         Friend of sinners was his name;                         Now above all glory raised,                         He rejoices in the same;                         Still he calls them brethren, friends,                         And to all their wants attends.                         O for grace our hearts so soften!                         Teach us, Lord, at length to love;                         We, alas! forget too often                         What a friend we have above;                         But, when home our souls are brought,                         We will love thee as we ought.Return to Menu Page for Do You Want a Friend? 2ff7e9595c